Course Duration: 30-45 minutes
This training is ongoing. It can be found by searching 'Inforamtion Governance' on the ESR Course Catalogue.
Statutory & Mandatory
Our Information Governance training course is part of your annual mandatory training, so we do ask you to ensure your training is kept up to date.
To provide an annual training course on Information Governance and Records Management.
To make sure you are aware of your responsibilities on how to use, share and keep information in a lawful and secure way by promoting good Information Governance and Record Management practices within the Trust.
Information on current data protection legislation issues; the Caldicott Principles; the Freedom of Information Act; ways to maintain information security and how to report data includes, plus where to seek additional support when needed.
Review and Assessment
At the end of the training session you will have the opportunity to review course details. This is followed by an assessment of 10 questions, which you need to pass 8 for accreditation.
Target audience
All staff
None required for this course
Course Delivery
For SABP staff, follow this link to book onto the course via ESR. This training is ongoing. It can be found by searching 'Inforamtion Governance' on the ESR Course Catalogue. Should you require any assistance, email the Training Admin team for Support.
For non-SABP staff, please email for more details.
This course is free to all SABP staff
Short course