Our psychology service is delighted to be able to offer placements across Surrey and North East Hampshire. Placements are a great way of gaining valuable experience in a clinical environment and we look forward to welcoming you to our Trust if you are successful in your application.

Second year PsychD trainees on psychodynamic placements

Our Psychotherapy service is comprised of three departments:

  • the West department, based in Guildford
  • the North West department, based in Chertsey
  • the East department, based in Epsom and Reigate

Our services provide psychotherapy consultation, assessment and treatment to help people with complex emotional and personality difficulties.

There are some variations in learning opportunities across the different departments and individual preference can be explored further at the interview stage.


Candidates looking for a training placement within our services should:

  • Be able to show evidence of an active interest in psychodynamic and/or psychoanalytic psychotherapy
  • Be able to commit to seeing patients for periods of at least nine months
  • Be willing to consider having personal therapy with a psychodynamic therapist during the period of the placement.

How to apply

To apply for one of our psychodynamic trainee placements, please email Rxx.elmbridgecmhrsduty@nhs.net


Adult Mental Health / Health Psychology / EIIP placements

We offer a range of placements in Adult Mental Health and a limited number in our Health Psychology and Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIIP) services. All interested trainees will be subject to an interview process.


Candidates interested in these placements should:

  • Be third year trainees (or fourth year if part-time) on an accredited Doctoral level programme in Counselling Psychology
  • Be looking to gain experience in the practice of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) alongside the theory taught within the third or fourth year of the programme
  • Have an interest in working with people who have severe and enduring mental health difficulties, as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

How to apply

To apply for one of our CBT trainee placements please email Rxx.elmbridgecmhrsduty@nhs.net or healthpsychologysw@sabp.nhs.uk