Course directory
Safeguarding Children | Level 1 (eLearning)

Course Duration: 30 - 45 minutes


This training is ongoing. It can be found on ESR by searching '000 Safeguarding Children Level 1' on the ESR course catalogue.


Statutory & Mandatory


This e-learning session meets the statutory and mandatory training requirements and learning outcomes for Safeguarding Children Level 1 in the UK Core Skills Training Framework (UK CSTF).


  • Describe the different forms of child maltreatment (physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect)
  • Describe how common child maltreatment is and the impact it can have on a child or young person
  • Indicate what you should do if you do have concerns about child maltreatment; including local policies and procedures, who to contact and where to obtain further advice and support
  • Identify the importance of sharing information and the consequences of failing to do so
  • Identify what to do if you feel that your concerns are not being taken seriously or you experience any other barriers when referring a child/family
  • Describe the risks associated with the internet and online social networking
  • Identify what the term 'looked-after child' means
  • Recognise possible signs of child maltreatment that you might come across in your work
  • Identify how to seek appropriate advice, report concerns and feel confident that you have been listened to
  • Indicate a willingness to listen to children and young people and to act on their issues and concerns
  • Show an awareness of the impact of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), domestic violence and a carer's mental/physical health on a child
  • Show an awareness that vulnerable children and young people may be susceptible to radicalisation (PREVENT programme)

Target audience

All staff


None required

Course Delivery



Name: Training Admin




For SABP staff, follow this link to book onto the course via ESR. Search the Course Catalogue using '000 Safegaurding Children level 1'.

This course is not currently available for non-SABP staff. 

This course is free to all SABP staff

Short course