Course directory
Safeguarding Adults | Level 1 (eLearning)

Course length: 1-hour


This course is ongoing. To book search 'Safeguarding Adults' in the ESR course catalogue. 


Statutory & Mandatory


This e-learning session meets the statutory and mandatory training requirements and learning outcomes for Safeguarding Adults Level 1 in the UK Core Skills Training Framework (UK CSTF).

This course contains videos hosted on external websites.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the process where someone is first alerted to a concern or incident that suggests an adult with care and support needs:
    • Is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and
    • As a result of their care and support needs, is unable to protect themselves against abuse or neglect, or the risk of it
    • And take action to respond, and to report the concern
  • Define the term 'adult safeguarding' and underlying statutory principles that underpin adult safeguarding work
  • Define abuse and neglect, patterns, types and list possible indicators
  • Identify why some adults are vulnerable or more at risk from abusive behaviour
  • Explain the role you must play in recognising and reporting and who you need to speak to if you have a safeguarding concern

Target audience

All staff


None required

Course Delivery



Name: Training Admin




For SABP staff, follow this link to book onto the course via ESR. To book search 'Safeguarding Adults' in the ESR course catalogue. The full course title is '000 Safeguarding Adults level 1'. If you require assistance, email Training Admin for support. 

For non-SABP staff, please email for more details. 

This course is free to all SABP staff

Short course