Course Duration: 30 - 45 minutes
This course is ongoing.
Statutory & Mandatory
This e-learning session meets the statutory and mandatory training requirements and learning outcomes for Preventing Radicalisation - Basic Prevent Awareness in the UK Core Skills Training Framework (UK CSTF).
Course Objectives:
- List the objectives of the Prevent strategy
- Identify how healthcare staff can contribute to the Prevent agenda
- List your own responsibilities in relation to Prevent
- Identify factors that can make individuals more likely to be radicalised or be a risk to others
- State what action to take if there are concerns an individual is being groomed into a terrorist related activity, including channel panels
- Identify potential signs that an individual might be vulnerable to radicalisation or at risk of involvement in acts of terrorism
- List how individuals may be influenced directly or indirectly
- Explain the importance of sharing information and the consequences of failing to do so
Target audience
All staff
None required for this course
Course Delivery
For SABP staff, follow this link to book onto the course via ESR. Search the course catalogue with '000 Preventing Radicalisation' and select the e-learning course titled 'Preventing Radicalisation Basic Prevent Awareness'. If you require support, email Training Admin for support.
This course is not currently available for non-SABP Staff.
This course is free to all SABP staff
Short course