Course Duration:
4 e-learning courses: Approx 1-hour per course
It can be found on ESR by searching '000 Mental Capacity Act: Deprivation of Liberty' on the ESR course catalogue.
Statutory & Mandatory
There are 4 e-learning courses that make up the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and DOLs training:
Mental Capacity Act: Assessing Mental Capacity
The course links to the statutory principles in the course Mental Capacity Act as Part of Human Rights, and explains the requirement to do everything practicable to empower people to make their own decisions, with practice examples. It also outlines the Mental Capacity Act test for lack of capacity with practice examples and explains who is responsible for the assessment, what should trigger an assessment, how should it be done and how lack of capacity to consent should be recorded.
Mental Capacity Act: Best Interests:
The course explains 'best interests' by outlining the statutory best interests checklist and discussing when this must be used, and how. It explores the tension that often applies between what a person may want and what is offered (whether due to financial/resourse issues, or as a matter of informed expert opinion). It looks at the role of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) and when they must be instructed. It concludes by explaining how best interests decision making should be recorded.
Mental Capacity Act: Deprevation of Liberty:
The course describes deprivation of liberty in health and care settings. It explains how to recognise deprivation of liberty, when to use the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) to protect someone’s rights, and when providers and commissioners must apply directly to the Court of Protection. It outlines the human rights protections that these legal frameworks provide for the person and for the provider and their staff. It explains the practice issues that have been identified with the existing frameworks, with a brief account of proposed legal changes. It discusses case law developments and how best to protect the human rights of people using services within current uncertainties.
Mental Capacity Act: Mental Capacity Act and Adult Safeguarding:
The course describes the relationship between the MCA and Adult Safeguarding.
Further information and resources can be found on the Education Hub - MCA Training.
Target audience
Health Care Support Worker
There are none required for this course
Course Delivery
For SABP staff, follow this link to book onto the course via ESR. The courses can be found by searching 'Mental Capacity Act' on the ESR course catalogue. When searching the course catalogue, ensure you select 'Learning Path'. The Learning Path selection will provide all 4 of the courses required to be completed. If you require assistance, email Training Admin for support.
For non-SABP staff, please email Training Admin for more details.
This course is free to all SABP staff
Short course